In a report (pdf) to the Council, it is revealed that Dunedin Venues Management Limited is expecting $2.4 million to cover spending before the Stadium receives income. $1.5 million of this is for staff expenses. About $1.4 million of this is already budgeted for, from rates and Carisbrook Stadium Trust appropriations. About $1 million is not currently budgeted for.
DCC Finance Manager, Athol Stephens claims that not extra contribution is required from rates because the money can be found from:
- a "subvention receipt" from Aurora Energy Limited of $0.672 million
- a one-off dividend of $0.264 million to be transferred through DCHL
And this extra payment raises the question:
If this extra $1 million is required for the Stadium, then why was it not included in the Carisbrook Stadium Trust projections?