Friday, September 26, 2008

Liu Yungeng in DScene

Dscene picked up this story from dunedinBlog.

If Peter Chin didn't know that Liu Yungeng was a human-rights abuser, then perhaps it was because he didn't want to know. People in Shanghai certainly know, and it is easy to find on Google.

The Dunedin City Council will be pleased that they sneaked Liu Yungeng in and out of the City to attend the police-guarded, invitation-only Chinese Garden opening, without attracting unwanted attention.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Equinox on Harbour Cone

I spent Tuesday with a small group celebrating the Spring Equinox by climbing Harbour Cone.
It was a warm evening with a blustery westerly wind blowing. After a steep climb, we watched the gathering dusk over the Peninsula and the Harbour and gave thanks for the wonderful place in which we live.
The marking of the Winter Solstice with the Lantern Parade has now become a Dunedin tradition. Now that Harbour Cone is publicly owned, maybe climbing our Magic Mountain on the Equinoxes can become another.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Liu Yungeng is a Human Rights Abuser

Chairman Liu Yungeng, head of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress
who was hosted in Dunedin last week for the official opening of the
Chinese Garden, has a record of Human Rights abuses. When he was
head of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau in 2006, he directed
police persecution of political dissidents. Reports on the "Human
Rights in China" website make disturbing reading. Liu Yungeng's
victims, most of whom did no more than attempt to make unwanted
submissions to the Party Congress, were subjected to restrictions on
their activities such as attending Church, house arrest, detention,
beatings, or disappearance.
Dunedin should not be welcoming such nasty Communist bullies as part
of the Sister City arrangement.

These links report activities from 2006:

Liu Yungeng and Public Security Bureau:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Question They Don't Ask

The Dunedin City Council has just done it's annual residents' opinion survey.
But there is one obvious question which is never asked:

Are you satisfied with the level of rates?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Director for Early Settlers

The Dunedin City Council has decided to employ a new director for the Early Settlers Museum, rather than being run by the same director as the Public Art Gallery.
What ever the merits of doing this, it will cost ratepayers an extra $213,000 a year.