Thursday, May 27, 2010

A New South Dunedin Library Is Unnecessary

I support a spruce-up for South Dunedin, but I oppose building a South Dunedin Library because it is not justified when the Main Library is only short distance away and good public transport is available.
This is especially so considering the large rates increases facing city residents in coming years. The expense of a new library is not just the cost of land and building, but also the ongoing operating costs which will add to the already-bloated Council budget.
I am skeptical about the claim that a library will have a significant benefit South Dunedin businesses.
The Dunedin City Council already spends more than enough on Library services considering the declining importance of libraries, as the Internet takes over as the primary source of information in the community.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely and useful blog, Al.
    Sorry to make my first comment one of disagreement.I think South Duedin very much needs a library.
    You say library use is declining. What is your evidence? I was under the impression library use was increasing and I would expect that as it's free recreation.
    You say there is good public transport to the library. Have you used it? Standing at a bus stop, maybe in the cold or rain can be a very unpleasant experience. The St Kilda bus (which goes along King Edward St, the main street of South Dunedin to Princes St) comes once every half hour. You have to wait around the cornrer of Hillside Rd to catch the St Clair/Normandy bus and there is no seat and a freezing wind coming along Hillside Rd.
    It's no fun catching the bus. On the other hand, people like to go for a walk, especially on the flat. They see people they know as they walk along and can stop to chat.They can go to the library and just happen to meet people without having to suffer the hmiliation of saying that they are lonely and would just like to bewhere other people are. And of course get some books. So all neighbourhoods need free meeting places for people to go to within walking distance and especially places that are open during the day. You and/or members of your family might be old/disabled/computeless/carless/ one day.
