Monday, July 26, 2010

Is The Digital Strategy Just Empire Building

This was my submission to the Digital Strategy Hearing:
Looking at the “Digital Strategy” documents, it seems to me that it is going to be yet another example of Dunedin City Council empire-building: the expansion of Council responsibility into a new area. It may start off slowly, but I have no doubt that the bill will soon be millions of dollars.
But Dunedin has developed over the years, and is continuing to develop, a good digital network without any involvement of the DCC. Businesses and households already have many options of Internet services to meet their requirements and their budgets.
As some-one who spends 100% of my work-time connected to computer systems in other parts of New Zealand, and sometimes the world, the existing network is not a limitation on digital business in Dunedin.
City Wifi: No
The City Wifi network should not be extended, and the existing Octagen service should be closed down unless it becomes privately funded. A City service competes with commercial services such as mobile broadband. Accommodation providers and cafes can attract custom by providing Wifi to visitors.
City Help desk: No
Users should purchase computers from local specialist retailers who will provide support in return for custom.
It is not the responsibility of the Council to provide IT services to schools
Rural broadband
Ratepayers should not subsidise broadband services for rural areas.
Fibre to the Home
There is no business case for Fibre to the Home. People will not pay extra for it.
A new DCC Digital Manager: No!
The last thing this City needs is another manager, there are already too many. It also will be a sign that significant Council money is intended to be spent in this area in coming years.
Encouraging IT Businesses:
The best way that the City Council can encourage IT businesses, and other types of businesses, is to reduce rates and other Council charges and fees.
The Hearing Panel seems to be saying that not much Council spending will be required. Time will tell.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Colin James On Dunedinites Get-Up-And-Go

Colin James has an interesting comment in his ODT column today
There is a wider electoral point for National: the very people who exit to Australia are probably mostly get-up-and-go sorts who would vote National if they stayed. The spectre is Dunedin, Labour-voting for decades as Dunedinites drifted north (and now west) for higher pay.
Perhaps this is an explanation for lack of entrepreneurs in Dunedin and the lack of appreciation of the benefits of the market.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Yellow-eyed Penguins at an isolated Peninsula beach last weekend.

Calvin's Analysis of DCC Debt

Today's ODT has Calvin Oaten's latest analysis of Dunedin City Council debt.
Calvin has found that the DCC is planning to capitalise interest on it's debt i.e. borrow more to pay the interest on existing loans.
Ratepayers have reason to be very worried about the future of DCC finances: it is them who will have to pay in the end.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Gallery Tiff Over Arts Map Exclusion

The Dunedin City Council has been embarrassed by a bungle in which public money funded an Arts Map from which some Galleries were excluded. (ODT report here).
The Map is going to have to be re-printed. I wonder who will bear the cost of this?
That this has been allowed to happen shows slack management. Dunedin City Council community arts adviser Cara Paterson appears to have responsibility in this area.

Trotters In The Trough

Congratulations to the Otago Daily Times for the expose of credit card spending by Dunedin City Council staff. The arrogance, greed, and sense of entitlement displayed is astounding. The ODT editorial puts it well:

Many, inevitably, think they operate like those in the business world and that providing hospitality and generous "rewards" is part of the way to grease the wheels of commerce. Usually, though, businesses provide products and services in a competitive market and profit and sales can be a salutary and meaningful constraint on business activity.

Council staff, in contrast, are public servants providing services for or on behalf of their fellow citizens.

The bloated bureaucracy in the Dunedin Town Hall is long over-due for a diet.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Extra Carisbrook Information

In response to a query to the Dunedin City Council regarding the future of Carisbrook, Tami Beckingsale replied with this information:
The amount of the loans outstanding is $5million. The rentals from the houses covers about $1m of the $5m. After the ORFU leaves there will be no revenue to cover $4m.

Doug Hall advised two years ago that he believed that he could demolish all except the Terrace Hospitality complex for net zero. That is, the costs of demolition would be offset by the sale of demolition material. If markets and costs have changed that may no longer be the case. As one of the leading demolition experts, Mr Hall can be contacted for an up to date view.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Just Buy Your Veges At The Market

The Green Party is getting headlines by complaining about the markup that supermarkets make on fresh produce. They suggest that the Government should impose a code of conduct to control prices.
Haven't they heard of competition?
People have a chose where they buy their produce. Instead of a supermarket, they can go to a green-grocer or shop at the Farmer's Market. Or best of all, grow their own.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Kiwiblog in Dunedin

David Farrar of New Zealand's leading blog, Kiwiblog, has been in Dunedin this week attending the Science Festival and other activities. See his blogs about Dunedin here.
This is great publicity for our city.